hello friends


New member
I am new to this forum and found it really an amazing in terms of its great posts regarding music and all...nice to be here
Greetings-n-shit :D

Good people abound here with lotsa knowledge and for the most part, are willing and able to help. ;)

new guy buys the first round. :cool:

Hello, I'm Greg. I like long walks on the beach, curling up with a good book by a warm fire, poetry, and taking naps in warm meadows in the spring.
Hello, I'm Greg. I like long walks on the beach, curling up with a good book by a warm fire, poetry, and taking naps in warm meadows in the spring.

For a second I thought you were talking about loving "curling" the hugely intense game where rocks are thrown on a sheet of ice and then people sweep in front of them....

Guess I was let down........ :(

Anyway dude, welcome to the forums!
So xtreme... the question that needs to be answered is, why, since you have a total of 2 posts, you've gone all out and set up a signature that has links to being a nursing assistant and what a nursing assistant's salary is.... :confused:

Please explain?

BTW - $35K a year as a nursing assistant ain't gonna support a serious gear addiction. You should aspire higher.... :laughings: