Heavy Breathing Vocals EQ

Noah Nelson

New member
How would you EQ someone who is whispering? i feel that if i boost the frequencies in the slightest manner i end up with a tinny sound...
I'd eq it any way it sounded good and fit in the mix. Chances are it's recorded close to the microphone, the sound of the voice is rounded out by the proximity effect. It would probably benefit from liberal compression.
I think the key to using EQ effectively is to CUT the freqs you don't want rather than boosting those that you do.
That being said, try using the compressor as KissMyRobot suggests and experiment with it before and after the EQ in the channel strip. Try extreme settings using both techniques. You should find something to fit your fancy.
Ozone makes a cool vocal plugin called Nectar which is pretty cool and comes with a bunch of presets. Maybe try that too if you're interested and in the market. I personally love presets!