Headphones and such


New member
My board (Mackie 24x8) has a Mix B which is a completely independent mix I can use for headphones or I can just use the standard 'aux send's'. Problem is when the ADAT goes into playback, it cuts off the instruments and mics (No matter which I use), makes it hard for the band to play along, since they can't hear themselves, only the ADAT playback. I've been over the manuals dozens of times and its either listen to the play back OR listen to the live instruments and mics. Is this the same for everyone's board or is this just a limitation of the Mackie? Also, I am just a home recording 'studio', is it pretty common to ask the musicians to bring their own headsets (aka 'cans')? Seems expensive for a small time no name studio not to mention, kind of gross....
