headphone routing problems; HELP!


New member

I'm a relative newbie when it comes to handling all the recording myself, but have recorded several CD's in various different studios ranging from crappy to excellent. This is my first foray into doing it myself, and I've run into my first snag:
I've got a MOTU 896 w/ Digital Performer 3, Mac G4, some nice mics and pre's, and was planning on running the line outs from the MOTU into my Mackie 1604 for headphone monitering via the auxes while we record the rhythm tracks.

I've just been tinkering at home, and hadn't needed to hook the Mackie up yet, since I've been alone and just used the headphone out on the front of the MOTU.

HOWEVER, as I'm getting ready to start a band recording next week, I was double checking everything and realized (much to my chagrin) that the channel line outs on the MOTU are male XLR. I had planned to just send all eight channels to the board, and each of four aux outs for separate headphone mixes for each member (4).

So my questions are as follows:
I hadn't planned on having the Mackie anywhere in the signal chain other than for headphone mixing and monitoring. Should I just buy XLR male/female adaptors? I'm sure that would work, but there must be a better way that I'm just not seeing.

And if it's just easier to buy a multi-channel headphone amp, how would I hook it up into this system-and how do you achieve separate headphone mixes with them? As in, like, "I need more kick and less guitar in my headphones".

See, all my prior recording experience has been console oriented-and this would be no problem at all, really, if I wanted the Mackie in the signal chain-but I don't. So what do I do?

I don't see what the problem is. The outputs on the Motu are male and the inputs on the Mackie are female. Just use a regular XLR cable.
Never mind, smoking crack, board's not here, I'm an idiot and shouldn't post late at night. Duh.