headphone record vocals problem


New member
okay, im recording my vocals over my recorded tracks. ive got the tracks through the headphones.

before i record i practice with monitor speakers.

im not sure, but, i have a hard time hearing myself. im recording hiphop, so i need the beat, and im not a pro singer reading music. i feel more comfortable without the headphones, but i do not want mic bleeding.

what is your best advice? do i just get "used" to it? should i practice with the headphones?

i have tried to turn the music very low in the head phones but this still doesnt work.

sometimes also to get a good vocal take, i really have to get into the beat, its hard though because i feel like im on the spot and i cant make my voice tone as good.
please help w/some advice.
I've had this problem too. The solution was just getting used to it, plus fiddling with the mixer to make sure I got good volume on both the music and my vocal. The second wasn't completely straightforward and did take some experimentation with different knobs and sliders.
try this,

send the monitor mix to your monitor amp in mono, wire ONE of the speakers out of phase, (instead of + to + and - to - you wire + to - and - to +). Put your microphone up in the middle equadistant from both speakers and experiment with positioning until your microphone picks up the least signal from your speakers.
When done right you'll be surprised how loud you can monitor without getting to much spill in your microphone.

good luck
Another thing to try is only listening to the headphones with one ear. That may give you a better sense of how you're singing, because you've got one ear open to hear your voice more directly.
I think you should keep at the headphones until you get used to it. It comes down to getting a well balanced mix of playback and vocal. Keeping one headphone off of your ear works very well too. It just takes a bit of time to get used to the headphones, but it's worth the effort. Like I said, the blend in the headphones is crucial. Good luck.