Headphone bleed over


New member
Don't know if there is a real solution for this besides getting different cans...

I am currently recording using a set of Sennheiser HD-590s and an Apex 450 Tube mic -- the Sennheisers sound great, unfortunately they are not closed, so I get a lot of bleed over (the most annoying being the faint tick track on _all_ of my tracks). Anyone have any suggestions on how I could cut down on this? Possibly a way to temporarily enclose them? I'd like to avoid having to buy another set of headphones.

Dan S. Leonard
apart from lowering the volume your only real solution is a plastic bag around the singers head. You could cut a whole for the mouth and seal the edges with duck tape.

or get new cans.
yea, I already tried that one, but then I had to deal with the crinkle noise from the bag (maybe I could EQ this out? What frequency range is a bag crinkle).... maybe I could use some sorta heavy duty casting material around the singer's head?

I think I'll just hafta use my cheap-O headphones [*shutter*] for recording and use the Senns for appreciating it.

Dan S. Leonard.
two sets of cans...

Yup...I use the cheap (sealed) Sonys for tracking....been there, done that...they hurt like hell but nothing is more annoying than that faint "tick track".....

Funny thing is, way back when I first setup my gear, on this BBS you'll see a question of mine relating to "tracks bleeding". People assumed I was not an idiot and were perplexed of this happening in a digital environment, so the possible causes ranged from "bad converters" to "cheap software". Laughable but true, it was coming from the headphones......doh.