Headphone Amps


New member
I am looking to buy a good headphone amp that can have some serious power without distorting. I have been trying to do some research on them but I have had little success. What do ya'll all use for your headphone amps?
vcgeetar said:
I am looking to buy a good headphone amp that can have some serious power without distorting. I have been trying to do some research on them but I have had little success. What do ya'll all use for your headphone amps?

yessir, Headfi is a great place.

as for reccomendations ..the grace 901 or 902 are both reputed to be amazing amps. I know many many people that use both of those products.

Take a look at the Eastern Electric MiniMax Tube CD Player- GREAT sounding headphone amp and tube cd player. Really opened up the soundstage and details in my Grados.