Headphone Amp - Narrowed Down

I use a HP4. It's the only standalone headphone amp I've owned. It sounds decent (better than the headphone out on most stereos i've listened thru) and it will drive a few sets of headphones fairly loud. Works for me.
i am looking for one myself (though it's not a top priority right now) and i understand that used oz and symetrix headphone amps are a good value
Oz Audio HM6 lives in my studio and I freaking love it. It's built like a tank and besides a main stereo input it has its own effects loop and 4 "inject" inputs to allow the talent to customize their own headphone mixes.
thanks everyone.

one more question (kind of dumb). How do you hook something like the presonus up to your mixer? where and what kind of cable? do these headphone amps come with the cable or do you have to buy that separte?

Thanks again