HD-24 Major Mistake

Blue Bear Sound said:

Also -- take a look at the HD24 group on Yahoo -- plenty of trouble and failures being reported.
So True!! Those guys have all kinds of issues popping up. Kinda' scary,,,,,,
Blue Bear Sound said:
I'm not talking about that kind of support -- I'm talking about the kind of support for getting pros through critical failures.... (ie, the drives fail midway through an important session and some recovery is needed....)

As for problems with the HD24 - sure - it's a good machine, but don't kid yourself into thinking it's infallible.... with hard drives and computers it's not a question of "if" they will fail, but "when".... and the HD24 is nothing more than a computer with specialized I/O and OS........ backups and recovery procedures are absolutely critical if the work is important to you.

Also -- take a look at the HD24 group on Yahoo -- plenty of trouble and failures being reported.

I haven't seen the Alesis ADAT-HD24 group on Yahoo yet, I'll have to take a look. Thank you for the tip. Now, as for a hard drive failing in an Alesis ADAT-HD24, why would Alesis need to provide tech support for that, wouldn't the hard drive company be the one you'd want to contact instead? I'm using Western Digital hard drives in my Alesis ADAT-HD24's so that's who I'd contact. Is Alesis making hard drives now that I'm not aware of?
Blue Bear Sound,
Would you please post a link to the HD24 yahoo group here for me, I seem to be having troubles finding it. Thank you.
DJL said:
why would Alesis need to provide tech support for that, wouldn't the hard drive company be the one you'd want to contact instead?

One BIG reason is that Alesis has a proprietary OS and way of writing data to those drives. Unless they are releasing their code, a recovery by somebody not familiar with the data might have a very hard time understanding what exactly is there I suppose.

My friend called Alesis to get some info on data recovery and they were not very helpful. Kinda' blew him off. Looks like this project is gonna' be canned.

I wonder if you look at the Alesis drive via a FTP program you might see the wave and aiff files. You can then pull them to your PC and fix the Alesis drive and put the files back. Also when I upgraded the HD24 firmware from 1.00 to 1.06 it changed the file paths on the Alesis drive. That would be my last resort. A ethernet card and cable would only cost about 20.00. A FTP program is free at Tucows.com.

It's worth a shot,
I gave the drive to my friend, He is going to mess around with it for a while. Can't hurt at this point!