Having issues with my Roland XP 30 and My Enonsiq ESQ-1 Please Help

X man Da Legend

New School Boom Bap

I hope that pic will help give everyone an idea of whats going on here. I sequence on my ESQ-1 (the bottom keyboard) I have my Alpha Juno 2 on Channel 1 (middle keyboard) and I use my XP-30(the top keyboard) on whatever channels I need them to be. And I use my cd3000i on Channel 2. I rarely use my ESQ-1 for sounds. For some reason it doesn't matter what channel I am on on my ESQ-1 it always triggers the XP-30. How can I make it only trigger on the channels I select?

I hope that pic will help give everyone an idea of whats going on here. I sequence on my ESQ-1 (the bottom keyboard) I have my Alpha Juno 2 on Channel 1 (middle keyboard) and I use my XP-30(the top keyboard) on whatever channels I need them to be. And I use my cd3000i on Channel 2. I rarely use my ESQ-1 for sounds. For some reason it doesn't matter what channel I am on on my ESQ-1 it always triggers the XP-30. How can I make it only trigger on the channels I select?

Its probably in "omni" mode or something like that. Turn that off.
I found this in a Harmony Central review, maybe it applies to your problem???

Sequencing with the XP-30 is more of a chore. If you've used any of Roland's JV/XP keyboards, this is nothing new. To enable multitimbral mode, you must create a Performance. A Performance is a program with 16 layers. Each layer is assigned its own patch, key ranges, and MIDI channel.

Have you been using these "Performances"?
I found this in a Harmony Central review, maybe it applies to your problem???

Have you been using these "Performances"?

yes I have. It will play sounds from each performance if the performance is selected but if I want to go to another device the xp will play over it like its in omni mode. I just can't find a way to turn the omni off.