Having final export volume issue.


New member
I have been recording a 5 song EP for a friend of mine. I would say its in the genre of acoustic rock.

I am using a Lexicon Lambda audio interface with Cubase LE.

Everything is going smoothly so far, except for when I export the final version. Everything sounds okay as far as the mix, but when I compare it to a song from a real studio there is a noticeable volume difference. Sound quality seems fine but the volume is the issue.

I am having trouble figuring out what levels to have my set up at during the mixing and mastering. The audio interface has two nobs, Mix and Output level. I have the mix nob all the way to playback, then the out put level at about 60%. But then there are my speakers, which have their own volume control. This is where I am stumped because my thinking is that between all the levels of volume control, I do not believe I am hearing the same volume level as the one that turns out in the final export. Which in turn is messing with the whole mixing and mastering process because I dont get that true idea of what the song is really sounding like.

I do have recording head phones that I use during the mixing and mastering process to get a better idea of how the song sounds in different speakers and environments. They do not how ever have their own volume control, I would use the Output Level nob on my AI, so there I am getting the right idea of how the song sound at the giving volume level but I know its not a good idea to only use one sound source in the mixing and mastering process.

So in all, what can I do to get these songs at the same final export volume level as ones from real studios?

Is there something in the mastering process for this? As you can tell I am pretty lost here. If you can just point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

when I compare it to a song from a real studio
There's your first problem right there. Don't do that. I don't compare my drive to the movie theater in the Impala to Julio Castroneves' drive to the finish line in an IRL race car in the Indy 500 either.

As far as setting levels, you have a little bit of education ahead of you regarding a subject called "gain structure" to understand the proper way to set levels at each point in the chain. Go to my website in my signature, and once there, click on the icon in the lower right called "Metering and Gain Structure", and spend some time going through that interactive app that explains meters and setting volume throughout the entire signal chain.

And the reason why John gave you the dead horse signal is because this question is asked here an average of about once a week, if not more. Take some time actually going through this forum ad you should find this topic already discussed several times over.
