Have I got a chance?


Hmmmmm. I just checked it out, and Hi-fi played fine.

I checked the Low-fi version. Wow, the quality really sucks!

Thanks for the good word!
Your song is creative and well crafted, I think it's great....

They should have a winner in each of the major categories.....

Good luck ! :):D:):D
Click On The Icom

I just checked - I made it to the second round of judging. And, (drum roll please) it's charted #36 out of 22,499 in "pop general."

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!!!! "Hot" votes are very much appreciated!
Down and out!

The finalists were announced Wednesday. My song was cut. The judging was done by the SoundClick staff.

Oh, woe is me!

It was fun, though.