Have I done the right thing? Event Monitors


New member
Hanging around the Forum I have seldom noticed anything said about the Event PS8 (or PS5, PS6 for that matter)...
Are they shunned? I got them recently without testing them, just by net/catalog-reviews because I am living in west africa for the next couple of years.

Any other users (or testers) of these monitors with their comments?

Thanx in advance.

Obviously, you haven't tried using the "search" function in the upper right corner.... you'd have found plenty of info on all of the Event monitors you mentioned.
Many of the Event-owners around here prefer the 20/20's.
I have a set of 20/20bas and I'm very happy with my choice. ;)
I bought some Trias on C7's recommedation and from listening to them and I second what he said...they rock.

I'm sorry. I misquoted him. They fuckin' rock.
Near Fields

I have the Event 20/20's driven by an Alesis RA-100, and in my small control room they are my preffered speakers. (I have several sets of speakers in line so I can check mixes on different speakers) If you have the money and want the BEST, go with Genelec/Haffler.
The original question being, "Have I done the right thing?" I'd have to say the answer is:
You haven't done the wrong thing.
I'm talking about the intrinsic value of this item to the monitoring process.
I also don't know what you paid. This bears heavily on how right or how wrong any purchase is.
Guitar Satan has the PS-8s for (USD) 6 bills a pair.
Even the 20/20 passives
(which some lucky so and so on this board who shall remain nameless got for an insanely low price)

c7sus/CMiller: how do you control the volume on those Trias? Were you to hook up the line level out from a CD player to the Trias, how loud would this be?

A) Not Loud Enough to Monitor
B) Just Right for Monitoring
C) Too Loud for Monitoring
D) What did you say? I can't hear you.

Buffalo Bob: Have you heard the 20/20s with a Hafler P1500?
From what I've heard (second hand) that's a sweet combo.
Update!!! PS8 good for me?

Oh man!!!
Now the doubts grow even further!!!:

1. Their midrange is VERY present. I had bought them because my KRK ROKits didn't go as low as to well check the bass. They go only down to 69Hz, whereas the PS8 go down to 35Hz.
But I have problems getting adjusted to their "colour". Their mids are somewhat harsh (but detailed) , their highs are "there", but not clearly definable. While the lows aren't reproduced as I think they should - I have to turm up the lows heavy duty to see if they are there at all... I compared them yesterday to my ROKits (I hadn't turned them on for a while, hoping the "ugly" perception would go away once I got used to the new PS8, that was 3 months ago), and %&$*!!! What a difference! The ROKits (run with samsom-pa) lack the lows starting from 60 down, but the transparency and clarity is so huge that the difference is depressing. And they cost half the price of the PS8.

2. There is a buzzing on one of the Monitors that is killing me, as long as a note is played (piano for example). And since I live in Africa no way I can easily exchange it unless I wait until summer!!!

That's what happens when you shop blindly and cross your fingers. GGGGrrrrrrr!!!
According to the experiences of other forumites I'd hoped that the PS8 as the follow up to the 20/20 would be as good... :-(

Sorry for the venting! Never thought I'd do it myself.

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I haven't tried my 20/20's with the Hafler, and in retrospect I wish I'd have gotten the Hafs, but......
as any true gear junkie knows- I ain't dead yet, so I ain't DONE yet! I need a bigger room now, I've got so much stuff I need to go outside to change my mind!
You find the PS8's harsh??????????????

Hans, I think you've been listening to consumer speakers for far too long (many consumer speakers are notorius for a mids-sucked-out, oversweet sound)... say anything you want about Event's PS-series, but one thing I guarantee you can't flaw them for is "harshness"... if you consider them harsh what do you consider the NS10s??????????????????


As someone mentioned earlier, I use the PS-6s in conjunction with a Tannoy sub (to cover the extreme low-end, not to boost general bass response) - I get an amazing monitor sound and about as unharsh as you could ask for!

Wow, you see that C7 we're a lot more alike than you'd care to admit! ;)

Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I have a 1604 but everything else is exactly the same as he described. Although I usually don't care if the neighbors hear Riley moan! Sorry man, you left yourself open to that one! (Sorry Riley).
If you like what you have, then you've "done the right thing". If you need to ask others if you've "done the right thing", then, most likely you have your doubts. Trade them in for something you really like.
Yeah, I think they are pretty transparent. I base my opinion on the sound that comes out of my guitar cabs campared to the Trias. They sounds great. I really haven't had the opportunity to really mix anything through them, and that will be exciting.

I know what you mean about sending your favorite CD's through them. It's funny because I was actually a little unimpressed with some of my CD's but then I realized that was the mix rather than speakers!

Another thing that's just awesome is the sub. I know what everyone says about the small room thing...and they're right, I wouldn't contradict them at all. BUT, when I listen to Mascagni - Cavalleria Rustican Intermezzo and it rumbles my floors...my jaw drops!

I think MrQ has a pair too if I'm not mistaken. I thought he was impressed as well.

I'm not exactly sure why they discontinued them. They were pretty expensive when they first came out.