Have A Listen!


New member
Hello all, new guy here, both in the forums as well as home recording. I've been wanting to learn audio engineering or whatever you prefer to call it since I was a kid, and I'm finally able to buy hardware and software to make things happen.

So please have a listen to my first mix at the link below. Its an original tune that a buddy of mine and I wrote. It is a demo, there are no vocals yet, nor is there a bass track, so its not the best thing to offer but its all we have right now and I'm really curious to hear other's thoughts because, well, if my mix completely sucks, better to find out now and fix things right??

Thanks everyone in advance.

I like it. How many mics do you have on the drums? That double-bass part is punching through nicely, I think.

Which instrument(s) did you personally play?

That's a mean tune! :)
Add the vox and bass - this needs the thread a melody would provide.
The drums are a little bright.
The guitar tones aren't anything new or special - are they through a modeller?
The riffs aren't bad. You need a better balance between the two guitars.
Go into the guitar section and do a search about distorted guitars - there's a tutorial or article about building a big sound that will be perfect for you.
i'm not a fan of clicky sounding kick drums, it's great drumming if it's a actual drummer...the more i listen however i think it's programmed drums. either way i think the drums should be louder and more in your face. but it's hard to really hard to judge this when its half done. you should probably at least put a bass track to get a true sense of mixing something. it sounds decent though.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. To answer your questions..

I like it. How many mics do you have on the drums? That double-bass part is punching through nicely, I think.

Which instrument(s) did you personally play?

That's a mean tune! :)

Glad you like the song! I am the drummer, and I used 7 mics on the kit. 2 overheads, 1 in each kick, 1 on the snare, and then I have 2 mics splitting 4 toms (two toms per mic), which I'm not TOO thrilled about, but right now I cant afford to mic each drum.

Again, glad you like it. The guitarist, in my opinion, writes some awesome material. We are working on a song which puts this one to shame!

Add the vox and bass - this needs the thread a melody would provide.
The drums are a little bright.
The guitar tones aren't anything new or special - are they through a modeller?
The riffs aren't bad. You need a better balance between the two guitars.
Go into the guitar section and do a search about distorted guitars - there's a tutorial or article about building a big sound that will be perfect for you.

The drums being bright is my fault..being the drummer I tend to make them stand out as much as I can, which I realize is not good for the mix and its something I'll need to work on.

The guitar sound (along with the damn snare) is whats kicking my butt so far. We've tried 2 different amps (a 2x12 line 6, and a marshall 4x12 cab), and we've also gone direct in with a POD XT. The sound on this recording is mic'd though the Marshall, 2 different tracks were recorded on top of each other. I kept the settings on the head as flat as I could and used Sonar to shape the sound up. I'm not at home right now to look at the software, but I used a plugin called something along the lines of Classic Tube to give them the sound they have, I used the "distortion guitar cuts through" preset I think. Again, I'd have to be home to look it up. But I will definately check out the thread you mentioned, and I'm grateful for the info. Thanks!

i'm not a fan of clicky sounding kick drums, it's great drumming if it's a actual drummer...the more i listen however i think it's programmed drums. either way i think the drums should be louder and more in your face. but it's hard to really hard to judge this when its half done. you should probably at least put a bass track to get a true sense of mixing something. it sounds decent though.

As for the clicky kick drum, thats the sound the guitarist and myself wanted to go for. We are both big fans of Killswitch Engage, In Flames, the types of bands that have that kind of drum sound. It's not for everyone!

Those drums are NOT programmed! I promise you I played every note. We do have a bass to lay down a track, but, naturally, they day we want to record, something in the internal wiring of the bass craps out on us. Took the back plate off to have a look but it all looks good, no loose wires, no black areas or anything.

Now my next quesion is, which way should I go with the drum track from here? I've been told they are too bright by one, and not in your face enough by another :-) Or can you do both in some way?

Anyways, thanks again for the input. Every word is very much appreciated!