Have a Listen to this stuff...


New member
Hey Everyone...

download 'Nikki' or 'Even' (both in MP3 format - about 3.5 meg each)

These were recorded a while back, using N-track. it was done pretty damn cheaply (otherwise we'd be in a studio) using 1 Shure SM58 and some shitty digitor mic (cost $9.95AUS) on the kit and then we ran the guitar and bass straight into the line in on my soundblaster...we didnt even use a click track - just played to the original bass line...it was my first attempt at mixing, and i used my PC speaker and a set of headphones as monitors.

tell me what you think...we are only 17 and it was our first attempt at recording.

we have recently gone to a studio to record our demoEP which is almost finished (some vocals/cello and final mixing still needs to be done)

