have $1,000 to spend, what to get?


New member
I just got $1,000 dollars and I want to get something recording related but I'm not sure what to get. Heres a list of things I have, Mics: Earthworks TC20 Rode NT-1A (2) Shure SM-57 Sennheiser E-609, Presonus Firepod. What should I look into getting?
stevethecarr said:
I just got $1,000 dollars and I want to get something recording related but I'm not sure what to get. Heres a list of things I have, Mics: Earthworks TC20 Rode NT-1A (2) Shure SM-57 Sennheiser E-609, Presonus Firepod. What should I look into getting?

Monitors ?
Hey! I've just noticed that no one's told you to buy a Shure KSM44. :confused: :eek:

I guess DJL must still be in bed :p
Steve, are you being serious here? I can't tell for sure.
For me, my specific needs drive the limited money I spend on my studio. So what are your own needs? Which types of problems are you experiencing with the various stages of your music production? Without some careful self-analysis, I'd think that blowing money could actually make things sound worse.

Yes I'm being serious. I inherited $1,000 dollars and I'd like to use it on recording equipment. Maybe I should have stated my question better but I want to get something that can give me a way to enhance my recordings. Weather it be a pre-amp or new mics....anything. I'm trying to get some insight on different things I can look into spending my money on. I dont know weather I should upgrade and get some different types of mics such as get an AKG 414 or something like that, or if I should look more into getting a preamp or what. Just looking for some info on different things that I would be able to make good use of in my studio. I realize getting any of these things wont make my recording sound amazing but I want something that would be useful to me and can enhance my recordings in some way.
Your gear is actually pretty decent. Maybe just put the money in the bank and forget about it for a while?

At the very least, whatever you buy for your studio should be something very special, something that you will always remember whoever willed you the money when you use it. So if you do spend it on gear, make it something unique that you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself otherwise. Room treatment just doesn't do that for me.

But maybe just hang onto the money for a while until it becomes apparent to you what your greatest studio need is.
Even better. Put it in MY bank account and forget it altogether. :D

Damn. 13 replies and not one from DJL telling you to buy a KSM44. He must be ill :eek:

Which forum are we in again? :confused:
Buy fifty Behringer ECM8000s. :)

Failing that ... what monitors do you have? And what acoustic treatments have you done?
Stop it. Just because you came into some money does not mean you have to spend it on some gear. Esp if you have no idea what it is that you need. If you don't have a burining desire for something then chuck it in you IRA.
firby said:
Stop it. Just because you came into some money does not mean you have to spend it on some gear. Esp if you have no idea what it is that you need. If you don't have a burining desire for something then chuck it in you IRA.

DEFINITELY not gearslutz material :)