Has anyone compared AT4033 and 4040 to at3035?


New member
I currently own an AT3035, it seems to be great for vocals but only okay for accoustic guitar. Has anyone hear ever compared it to the AT4033 and 4040 for this purpose. Which of these two would you recommend for male (tenor) voice and accoustic guitar?

Also, do you think there is a noticable difference in sound between the 3035 and the two 40 series mic's?

We all did (anyone who has both, got the 40-- because it sounds better)
If you are happy with the 3035, move in a different direction, say.... multi pattern or ribbon or tube. Don't get a different mic just cuz it costs more, get one so you can add dimension to your mic drawer (or closet or cabinet or credenza)
My 4040 is just super on acoustic guitar...don't sing so I can only speak for it instrumentally. I park it a foot in front of sound hole with an NT3 at fret 12 and acoustic bliss...