Harvey and The Radio Shack Tom Mic...


New member
Hey Harvey,

Just wanted to pass this on. The local mail-order/retail music store had a warehouse sale on Sunday, and the Sennheiser drum mic kits were on sale (with the e-series kick mic--is that any good? they had a kit with cord, mic, and stand for $129. Deal?). I got a chance to check out the Sennheiser tom mics up close and personal and I was surprised to find that they were PLASTIC just like the Radio Shack mics. Unbelievable! I may have to get them if they go on sale at Radio Shack! They didn't seem ANY different.

Good eye Harvey! (I know, I know, you've been around this block a few times...

Thanks for all you do. I'm still liking that v67g. Sorry I doubted you...

I have the e602 and i love it.. and 129 was a damn good deal. mine was 199 with a stand and a cable. and you know, i saw those tom mics in radioshack and was wondering the same thing.. how do they sound?

Sorry for any potential confusion. The $129 price was for the "Kick Kit" which is the stand, cord and mic. Although, probably still a good price I passed since I'm really more intrusted in getting an ATM25...
here's a pic of the two mics for those who haven't seen them:


  • e604_radioshack.jpg
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Geez, was that a painful picture to look at...The Sennheiser and Radio Shack look almost identical to me. BTW, I did an evaluation on the e609 against their old MD 409 model--NO CONTEST. The older Sennheiser 409 whipped the e609 into submission! When I called the Sennhesier company, they claimed that the two were "the same":D Perhaps in their similar appearance and shape [small & flat] but that's where it ended. The new 421s were very good though.:)