Hardware mixing

I use alot plugins during mixing music and enjoy some of them.
but now I want to start using some hardware processors in a mix.
never try do it after a track is recorded.
my question is how to connect those hardware with my 828mkII.
I will use compressor,reverb...etc
Do I need to insert a new track for a processed track in pc?
and I know that the convertor isn't too good,so I wonder if the sound will be worse after processing.
You have to send the signal back out to the analog outputs, run them thru your outboard h/w then back in... you will incur extra D/A, and A/D conversions doing this so it helps if the converters are very good.
Don't forget to realign your tracks since looping out of your sequencer and then back in will add some real latency. If however you have Cubase SX3, it automatically calculates and counters that latency.