Hard Rocker with vocals


New member
Hey guys, this is honestly my first time trying to record vocals and so I would love to receive some honest, critical feedback if you guys have any for me. The vocals aren't done yet because I want to get some feedback before I throw down any more. As always, thanks for listening, and if you want to leave me any comments on the rest of the music, please feel free!

Yeah, it rocks. Vocals are good!

Mix sounds way wet. Takes away from the bite of the song for me. No edge.

I dug it. Thanks!
hey guys, totally re-did the first verse and recorded a whole lot more! Still not quite fnished though. Same link works still, and as always, THANKS!
the cymbals aren't balanced. the stuff on the left is louder than the stuff on the right and it's strange to listen to. other than than that it's pretty good. i agree with the guitars maybe being a bit too overpowering and the too much reverb. in general though it sounds pretty good.
Nice tune, man.
Voice sounds very good to me, just a tad too low in the mix because the guitars are a bit too loud. End part could use a solo. Other than that, pretty good, I really liked it.

Joey :):)
Ok, I re-did the verses again, finished the song pretty much, lowered the guitars, and boosted the drums and vocals. Thanks for all the help guys, much appreciated.