happy new years everyone


New member
y'all make any resolutions? my number one thing is to get my hustle on. i know that probably sounds cheesy but shit, i could be doing so much more with my musical skills than i am. the past few months i've just been working, but starting next monday i start this new web design job which i'll be BANKING off of and i'll have 100% more free time. so my goal this year is to make a damn name for myself in any way possible.

anyway, happy new years

do it up big in '08
stay safe
stay smart
More Album placements.... means more work, more money..thats my goal..and finish or frame out our basement at home,

will be in San Antonio on the 11th of Jan. for a few days to see my daughter graduate boot camp (Air Force)
More Album placements.... means more work, more money..thats my goal..and finish or frame out our basement at home,

will be in San Antonio on the 11th of Jan. for a few days to see my daughter graduate boot camp (Air Force)

At least she chose the right branch of Service. (I am an AF vet. She'll be spoiled, trust me!)

Once God blesses me with the loot that is coming, I plan to do bigger and better things. I know I have a calling to contribute to this music game, and as I sat in Church last night, I believe '08 is truely the Year of a New Beginning!

Be safe and do your thang fellas...............
Become more spiritual, be the best that I can be at what I do, and focus more on my businesses.

They all sound easy but damn it's tough!
