Hanging acoustic foam studio tiles without glue


New member
I got lucky today when the boss told the production guys to clean out the storage closet and made out with some 2ft x 2ft studio foam. About 8 squares total.

I need to treat my ceiling however I'm running into a roadblock since my studio is also the guest bedroom and the warden (wife) not only doesn't want anything perminnate but doesn't want anything that will tear up the ceiling.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to hang foam from the ceiling without making holes or leaving residue behind?

But maybe you could make really tiny holes.

I sugguested that... got an idea from another thread to use some kind of sewing needles that leave very small holes. But any hole is too big of a hole in the wife's book.

I wouldn't do it.
I sincerely sympathise with your wife on this one.

So anything else that could be done or am I just going to have to deal with an unteated ceiling? :mad:
Have you thought about the 3M Command mounting strips? The remove quite easily and don't leave marks. Not sure if they'd hold the foam or not, though.
Have you thought about the 3M Command mounting strips? The remove quite easily and don't leave marks. Not sure if they'd hold the foam or not, though.

I tried that last night. No they do not hold form when directly applied. However I might try to see if they have a hook configuration long enough to hold the squares in place.

Another idea I came up with was using fishing wire underneith the foam to hold it in place with sticky tack holding the string up. I won't look good, but looks aren't the first priority.
There are various products such as double adhesive tape and that tacky gum for hanging posters, if you must.
why dont you just throw the accoustic foam in the trash like the productions guys were going to do since its pretty much usless anyway.....
you could consider gluing the foam to acoustic board (sound board) cut to the same size, 2' x 2'. then you could hang the boards to the ceiling making only small holes for hooks.
I see a lot of threads about this.
Foam, egg cartons, Styrofoam... the list goes on.
I always shudder when I see this stuff but when a poster points out that his/her spouse objects to the stuff, I feel I have to say something.
It's about "Home" recording. As soon as you start knocking out walls und sticking up tinfoil, you are harming the home.
I feel better now.
By the way, drapes, carpets and a couch go a long way towards treating a room.