Hands down... What is your absolute favorite mic?


New member
Thought this would be fun & interesting... but there's a catch...

What is your favorite mic that you own? Not that you heard from a friend... or what your guitar center rep tells you... :p

I'd say mind is my Soundelux u195.

Like Trying To Pick Your Favorite Child!

I love my 5 children equally but when it comes to my microphones I would have to declare a tie between my Lawson L47MP and AEA 84. Very different but equally dear.
Mxl 991 . :o :(

... My favorite that i own. Out of 3...

Im lucky enough to have that though .. being that im still young and coming across the money for mics is few and far between. Im grateful for having this mic :)
for vox the shure 58 the older the better
for accoustic guitar thr sennheiser 441
for drums the shure 57
for overheads and cymbals the cad cm17
for bass drum the sennheiser evolution 602
if I had to choose the best value mic to do it all the shure 57
Out of what I currently own? It's a dead-even tie between my pair of Shure SM81's and my pair of M-Audio Solaris LDC's.
I'd have to say my homebuilt Elam 250. Don't know how close it is to a real one as they have different capsules, but the sound of it is the best out of all my mics. Second place is my Royer modded V67 with a 797 capsule. That is a damn fine mic.
uhhh.... they all have different purposes so theres no way of saying. once i get my at4040 though.... i have a feeling it will be love at first listening.
It's a 3 way toss-up between the Brauner VM1KHE, Microtech Gefell UM75 and Soundelux E49 for me. Each is good on a wide variety of sources (with a lot of overlap, especially on vocals). I'd hate to do without any of them, but could make a record with any of them as my only mic.

Hmmm, its a toss in a way. I have a U195, and MD441 and a pair of C4's to throw in as my 3 favorites. But I gotta say, for the money, the SP C4's are just plain good mics. Hard to beat even with double the money, and they work well on most things.
I do very much like my MD441 though. Hmmm. I'll have to go with all of them. My least favorite out of the bunch is the 57. I cant imagine ever using one for keeper vocals, blah.