haloDim, Broken Complex Records, May 19th


New member
What's up everyone!

On Thursday, May 19th 2005, Mercury Waters & Wings of an Angel's concept album 'haloDim' will be available on Broken Complex Records!


"Producer (Wings Of An Angel) and MC (Mercury Waters) living and working thousands of miles apart, using the Internet and home equipment, become haloDim. This is the good side of globalization. Two guys, one from Israel and the other from the U.S. get together and make a brilliant FIRST offering. Wings Of An Angel, influenced mostly by Jazz, experiments with subtle harmonies, uneven beats and curious ethnic sounds. Mercury Waters' effortless vibe, equally uneven (often bordering spoken word) and experimental flows add more dimensions and feeling into the mix."

This CD has a very laid back jazzy vibe, with all kinds of influences shining through on the production as well as the lyrics.

To listen to some of the snippets before purchasing the album, you can check this link:


Once your done checking the snippets, you can go grab the album right @ www.brokencomplex.com , in the store section.


Feel free to also grab a copy of my album, DJ Hoppa - To April From June, and for those who grab both albums, I will throw in some extras like T-Shirts, CD Samplers, Mixtapes, whatever we got lying around!

Spread the word, Support your local record label, artists, and friends!

-DJ Hoppa