halion went wrong


New member
oh my lord what have i done?

set up halion to play a set of samples, planned them all out in keyzones, wrote the midi track to control it, everything sounded fine, except, of course, for the 30ms latency i'm getting from by SB live card.

So it hought I'd adjust the buffer settings to try and lower the latency, not expecting great results. But it worked, knocked 20ms off, all my audio tracks play pretty well without any glitches or anything. But no Halion playing! The midi track is the same, it's all going to the right midi channel, Halion is turned on, and I can even see the the keyboard graphics moving in the Halion editor screen.

What happened? Anyone know? Does Halion need a certain amount of playback buffer?

If I alter the sync thing in the audio setup to sync to the record input rather than the playback output, will this allow me to keep my reduced latency (via altering the record buffer) and then increase the playback buffer with impunity? Or what?

Tres frustrating
argh! actually, non of the vst instruments are working now, just because I changed the sync reference buffer. what on earth have i done here?
halion doesn't need a specific amount of buffer, but your sblive (erhm.. crap :D ) does... you will have to raise your buffer again, and go buy yourself a real soundcard :)

.. oh.. and be sure you haven't got "disable audio" set in Options - Audio Setup... sometimes when you overload your soundcard, cubase will set this option without a warning... Still need to raise your buffer though...