Guitarist brought to drumming by necessity


So, I'm in a band. We have gone through so many drummers it's not even funny. I had some drum experience so I decided to step up to the plate and try my hand at it. 3 weeks later I feel like I'm in a place where I can actually become an above average drummer. My hand/foot independence is improving, I am playing to a click 75% of the time, and doing improv. is not riddled with beat-stopping fuckups like it was in the first week or so. I'd just like to get some feedback on a couple of tracks I did this weekend. They're rough tracks and "Drinking With Zombies" is one that I learned the same day, so I know it's rough (and there's one fill near the end that is bugging the crap out of me).
But yeah, tear me apart. I want to get good at drumming for this band so I need as much useful criticism as I can get.
Thanks in advance!

Myspace link
not bad for 3 weeks practice! keep at it, tighten it up, and you just could pull off the switch!


1st verse, you're just a tiny bit late on some of those syncopated snare hits, a little sloppy but like i said, it just needs tightened up.

chorus: pretty solid. you have some dynamics going there, which is especially rare for a beginner.

bridge: nice on the ride bell pings. really, a nice touch.

and yep, i know exactly what fill you're talking about--the only real "flub" in the whole thing.

side note:

i like the music. it has that drifty portishead vibe. really sounds good. sent you an add req.

you're off to a flying start! keep working at it, and good luck! :)
You are playing with a click track, thats a good start, many drummers complain about clicks. Don't play "to a click" just simply use it as a tool to help you stay on time. Practice technique and control, the fancy stuff will come naturally as you get better. You're off to a good start, keep practicing and you might surprise yourself.
Don't play "to a click" just simply use it as a tool to help you stay on time.

This is definitely what I've been trying to do. It's sometimes hard not to play to the click rather than the music, but then I figure if I stray from the click I'll have to make up for it somewhere, which causes my playing to sound extra sloppy. But I suppose it's all a matter of getting used to playing drums in general and getting the feel of balancing between keeping time for others and letting something keep time for me as well.

Thanks for listening and for giving feedback. Helps to know which direction I should be going in with at-home practice :)