Guitar tuning software?

Does anybody have any recommendations for guitar tuning software that's compatible with mixer devices? Help would be very much appreciated.
You can use fmit in linux and connect it to jack with qjackctl (or the cli). Also not sure what you mean by compatible? And what mixer is in question? I always thought that mixer was a piece of hardware. Although some can be controlled by software. But probably not the cheap ones.
Tascam us-1641. I don't think its technically a mixer, but as far as the PC is concerned its an external sound card. The programs I tried couldn't "hear" anything when I played a note, I assume that is because of the tascam.
Check out the Peterson Tuners virtual strobe software.

I have one of their standalone virtual strobe boxes (VSAM)...but they also have strobe apps you can load into your computer.

They make the most accurate tuners on the market.
I think you need to select what device to input from in the menu of the tuner. I used to use the NCH tuner free) with an Lexicon Alpha interface. Should be same with 1641.
If your DAW doesn't have a VST tuner, just download a free one. I'm sure that there are plenty. I use Cubase and it has a tuner.