guitar to synth


New member
does anyone know of any VST plugins that can convert notes played on guitar (or sung) into synth sounds? we're currently using the Korg MS20 successfully but would like to branch out to some different sounds.

thanks in advance!
A vocoder or talkbox plugin would mostly likely work. On vocals, it's that techno-y sort of robotic sound. (Not the pitch corrected effect.) Not sure how it would sound on a guitar. I think I might just experiment when I get home :D
that looks pretty cool actually. we've been doing a long winded melodyne trick to extract midi from audio. thanks. :)

Really, is it working? I have yet to see an audio -> midi conversion that works well, it'd be kinda handy!
so you're in does it offend you, yeah?

ha.... man, my buddies and I waitied for two hours before your set at LOLLA last summer. we loved your guys' stuff. that's pretty bitchin that you guys got the big stage, too.

also, i've been looking to do a similar deal except for a DJ set. i googled "pitch to midi" and found several VST plugs that might suit you guys. maybe run melodyne/auto tune in front of the pitch-to-MIDI plug, and it would probably increase the accuracy of that pitch a lot more.

hope it helps, hope to see you guys again sometime.
thanks man. drop us a pm next time we're over there and i'll guestlist you.

rob :)

Awesome man... I'll definitely take you up on that offer :) Look forward to it....

I also wanted to add that I think the Digital Ear WAV->MIDI plug looks great. It converts wav to MIDI in real time so you can perform with it, too. At least I think thats how it works. Obviously you'll need a pretty low latency type of deal. Are you guys plugging into hardsynths or softsynths? Or both?
All right... so I tried tons of pitch-to-MIDI type of deals, none of them I got to really work. I really SUCK at using MIDI stuff though.

After sifting through a ton of forums, apparently one of the best solutions is to grab the freeware Super Eel 2.0, and then grab MIDI-OX. Apparently that is the easiest solution to hook up to a softsynth.

Hope it helps...
I'm not sure of any plugins but I know Line6 makes a solid-state board (maybe $200-$400? not sure exactly) that can change each guitar chord, etc. into synth chords!

The only RELIABLE way is to get a Roland GK-2 or GK-3m pup and a GI-10 or GI-20 hardware converter. This will give you infinite ability to play any synth that has MIDI implementation.
Making it sound good is another issue and will depend on your technique.

I recently bought a GVox Guitar, that is supposed to do that, among other things.

But the darn thing will only work on a Win-95 or Win-98 computer, so I can't do anything with it until I get a cheap old computer. Don't know who to be more pissed at- GVox for not supporting their stuff, or Microsoft for not making their OS's 100% backwards compatable.
