Guitar sound on Flaming Lips song Evil

The Cancers

New member
It's off Embryonic, this really specific guitar tone comes in at 1:59. Here's a link:
I know I've heard almost that exact same solo, but definitely that same tone on a Velvet Underground song, i wanna say it's run run run, but going back and listening to it, it's not quite right.
Anyway, any guesses on where that particular tone comes from? Like, What sort of guitar, what sort of amp, what sort of mic, is it di to preamp? What's the signal chain here, if you had to guess?
God alone knows (if at all!!) if I had to hazard a guess, i would say some kind of cheap magnetic pickup slapped on an acoustic/dobro into a marshall solid state with a 57 in front. By god! Interesting tune.
Yeah, I feel like, if it is going through an amp, it's at a low volume, because I really don't hear any of the speaker distortion you get from turning up an amp. I'm really interested in figuring this out. I think 90% of it is probably the guitar they use, but I don't have access to enough guitars to find it (though I have been trying with every combination of gear I have).