Guitar Rig 2, Pod XT, Amplitube..


New member
Is is possible to mix those to sound as real guitaramps?
And what to do with it in the eq? Is a highpass filter set at 400 too much?
Cause i heard someone say everything under 400hz doesnt belong in a guitar tone..
Help Help!
I been jacking around with VST Guitar Amps for the past 2 weeks or so...
...its as good as the POD's I might say, maybe not as user friendly IMO.

It offers all the positives of Direct recording....

I doubt there'll be any Eddie Van Halens or Slipknots getting excited over the sounds. The human VIBE of the amp and a human and DB's and ear damage aren't going to disappear overnight.

Is it as easy as an Amp and a SM57? not imo.

there's a lot of pages and mouse clicking, saving etc.. just to turn the treble adjust the compressor, flip the flopper on and smash the virtual limiter...but you can get a hell of a setup for FREE!!!

its all relevant I guess to what your comparing to.

Turning an "simple" amp ON with a SM57 in starting to seem nice about now.. :confused:

but I'll give it a's 1 minute thing...some VST and a Single Coil.
just trying to find amp sounds that can replace my POD. I have an amp too an may go get a SM57 today.
But i would like to hear your take with some heavy metal kinda distortion if you could record that?
So i can hear if you can make it sound magic and if so..explain short what to do..
Cause on another forum someone told me guitarist sometimes use guitar rig2 in the studio instead of there it must be possible to make it sound somehow realistic...

Excuse me for the sloppy guitar playing...But its kinda hard to hear if you play it "correctly" when all you hear is a "clean guitar" :rolleyes: ´
That's the "best" tone i've got so far but compared to commersial records it's crapola...
Anyone help out? Should i change amp setting or could i tweak it with eq too make it sound more realistic?
damn that sounds pretty damn good to me!
what are you wanting more of?

anyway, maybe someone can send in a post on the HM guitars....I have no answers on that.
personally what you have is really good imo. the tone is there. the ones I've tried sounded like MUSH FUZZ, which works for some players. Weezer, has some MUSHY FUZZ BOX tones, it works in their songs. Reminds me of the BIG MUFF tone.

yeah, I haven't heard many VST's around here, yours is one of the first.

but the place is full of PC studios, so VST-plug ins are more than likely used a lot, i' would think?

Is that a plugin reverbs on the drums too? pretty cool man...
Sure i put reverb on each drum pretty much to make it sound more "alive"
Reverb,Delay = the best to use for "making things sound alive"
Thats what i've learnt anyways.. :cool:
What i want more?
Well a distortion that sounds pretty damn hip..And that one doesnt..
It sounds like something a amatuer setup for the first time kinda....
if comparing to commersial records which of course is the goal to get a tone that WORKS..not one that sounds like a "bad demo" as this one does..
Hehe no thats not me..
But obviously he and me have very good taste in heavy metal...


Edit: Actually when i listened in phones i heard those bad frequences at 2100hz area ringing so i pulled those down hopefully i will enjoy the mix more tommorrow after that discovery..But i still think the guitar tone in general lacks that "proness" i would love/like someone who KNOWS how a good guitar tone should sound by itself without any mixing processing too it to post it here..So maybe one could "know" what to be "looking for"..
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If you play with the pod a little bit, you can get a great sound out of it. Here is a taste of something I am working on. All the guitars are recorded direct with a Pod XT pro.

No cabinets, no mics and no EQ or compression. Just the pod directly into the the computer through the analog outputs. (mono out)
How do you do that stuff?
What are you looking for when making that "magic" happen?
Sounds great!
I have a Pod XT but its collecting dust atm...
Spinal puppet with the vetta compressor in front of it. He laid down two tracks. One is panned left, the other panned right. That's all there was to it. Most of it is in the playing.
If not misstaken myself i think i used the standard preset called VT Attack in the metal section..
So nothing fancy about it..Just Eq! :rolleyes:
That sounds fine, you just need a little more sustain. You can raise the gain a little or put a compressor stomp effect on it. (I would use the stomp effect)
man, you guys are posting really good sounds imo.
if you only knew how shitty stuff sounded on cassette 4-tracks made by cavemen engineers in my home. geeezzz....

I have been enlightened on what I've read posted here numerous times, in that really good equipment makes things "easier and more enjoyable"....

I was in GC and this huge head and 4x12 cab and with the turn of a couple knobs this beautiful clean-distortion (distortion where you can still hear the notes), 10seconds.
Now it might take me say 10years to pay off an amp of this price, but the sound was phenomenal....and really "easy and enjoyable" to obtain.

I find it hard to believe your getting that good of sound with just the default. the ones I have come across sound like buzzzfuzzz mush, off the shelf with no tweaking?

so I have to agree with markaholic...send me the damn link and chain of equipment. what your considering bad is better than I've ever gotten to? :confused:

sounds like the bass was improved too on this cut.
Okay i eq A LOT actually thats why i consider it's bad..Cause a good tone as i have understood it should not be "equed to death" cause when i listen to my disco songs...They are pretty much not equed at all..its delay/reverb/compression that makes the track sound "full" and in my opinion...kinda professional sounding......
So i think its the same with guitar tones you got to have that tone right away...If not it will never happen...........Whats not there can NEVER be fixed with eq..
Pro's correct me if i'm wrong?
God i love naming "pro's" come on can't someone come in and say "im pro..yes you are right" or something like that :D
Farview said:
If you play with the pod a little bit, you can get a great sound out of it. Here is a taste of something I am working on. All the guitars are recorded direct with a Pod XT pro.

No cabinets, no mics and no EQ or compression. Just the pod directly into the the computer through the analog outputs. (mono out)

love the guitar tone, it all sounds good actually, drums are live and the bass pumps......sounds good
skyguitarworks said:
love the guitar tone, it all sounds good actually, drums are live and the bass pumps......sounds good
Big secret: All the guitars and bass are recorded direct. The only real drum sounds are the cymbals.
Actually when listening a day after in my stereo hehe..It sounds just like a regular pod preset...All tho it was a nice mix..But still not "pure" like one want it to sound :(
Maybe the only solution for me is to go spend money on a real amp...Cause i doubt i can make the VST plugins to sound good as a real guitar..They miss that "bite" that attack that DRIVE of a real guitar tone...But then i also only used Guitar rig 2 for 2-3days now...