Guitar Repair in Chicagoland?


New member
Hope this is the right forum for this:

Does anyone have a recommendation on an experienced guitar repair person or shop in Chicagoland? I have some vintage guitars that need some work and for some reason I don't trust the big box outlets. I want an expert.

Many thanks.
Third Coast. They have a couple of locations. One of them is in the Arlington Heights Guitar center, but they are a separate company. They do a lot of custom work for a bunch of high profile guys I know. Don't confuse them with the normal fools at GC and Sam Ash.
Sillyhat said:
Don't confuse them with the normal fools at GC and Sam Ash.
in my experience the GC's around me all outsourced (or did when I bought from them) a lot of their repair and maintenance work. Sam Ash usually has in house people.

However I wouldn't send my money to EITHER of them anymore. I can't stand their high pressure sales tactics and lowball trade-ins. Not to mention, they love to put their stores right near existing long-term family local stores and drive them out of business with lower prices but crappy service.
Third coast has a free standing facility in Chicago. If you can't stand to walk through a GC, you could go there.