Guitar Noise With PODXT, Recording Direct


New member
Hey everyone, Little issue here-

When recording direct into PT with my PODXT, there seems to be a buzzing, almost amp hiss noise with most of the settings. Now I have the used gates etc, but as soon as the gate opens up,,,,the buzzing starts up.

I am using a humbuker pickup in this application, and its not a grounding hum (60cycle), its way more high pitched buzzing. I can Eq some of it out, but not really enough to satisfy my ears.

Anyone who can help me figure out what, and how to get rid of this would be greatly helpful. It does it in any of the settings, clean, distorted etc etc.

I guess I'm being picky, because once mixed its hardly noticeable, but I know its there. And especially if I'm recording sections of guitar only parts, it does stick out.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
