Guitar Jam


New member
I had one of my buddies over last weekend for a little jam session. After an hour of noodling around we found a cool groove and laid down some tracks. A few beers and the rest of the day later we had a cool little tune:

I could still use work, but let me know what you think so far.
ok start for a drum and gtr(s) track. As you said, "needs work"...such as mixing, more instruments, vocals?, and just the general stuff to finish it up. What kind of comments are you looking for?? It's kinda linear, with a blazing rhy. gtr and drums, pounding away, dynamically at the same level from beginning to end....that might be a production downfall..

finish 'er up, and post the results:)
Mixmkr, thanks for listening. Here's is some of the kind of feeback I'm hoping to get:

1. What do folks think about the guitar tones?
2. There are two guitars there doing similar things. Does it work, or is it mushy?
3. How are the relative levels on the guitars and drums?
4. Any comments about the composition are also great.

The comment that the whole thing is "dynamically at the same level" is totally fair. If other folks have comments in this vein I'd love to hear them.

I'm trying to improve my recording and mixing skills so any comments are appreciated.
xalien said:
Mixmkr, thanks for listening. Here's is some of the kind of feeback I'm hoping to get:

1. What do folks think about the guitar tones?
2. There are two guitars there doing similar things. Does it work, or is it mushy?
3. How are the relative levels on the guitars and drums?
4. Any comments about the composition are also great.

I thought the gtr tones are just fine for starting out with. They have that POD amp simulation sound to them, which I suspect is what you're doing...going direct with the gtrs..
The two gtrs work good together IMO. not mushy...very driving, and the solo cuts thru ok too. the drum/gtr level seems fine ..and a decent drum sound also...but I think this is stuff to worry about at a later stage, and deal with getting good tracks at this stage...mix/blend/EQ/etc a little later. (of course keeping these things in mind all along). If/when you add a bass instrument in, and especially vocals, things could/can change dramatically as far as how you might adjust things in your mix. Your vocals may compete severly with your guitars, for instance, and you may back them off during the singing, as an example.

I did hear a little sloppyness in the drums around 1:50...mainly with the kick. I can hear what the drummer was going for, but the beat seems right on the edge of being off.