guitar fans check out my newest song.

Cool riffin' dude!

I think the rythym guitar tone is a bit too scooped, and the lead tone is a bit too round.

The synth ending is kind of a let-down after the drum break. I wanted to hear more shredding there!

Overall good job!:)
Hey Flash2ace, I took a listen to angles, the song is pretty good sounds a little "Eric Johnson ..ish" especially the lead guitar tone, which is not bad thing. I couldn't hear much of the rythym guitar at all, but i did listen to the song through my laptop speakers. I personally would like a little more melodic lead playing incorporated in to the song here and there instead of all shredding, but overall a real nice effort, I liked the song. What did you use to record the song ?
ok for the guitar tones i ran my zoom gfx8 into the insert on my crate gfx65 and mic it with a sm57, i tracked with my ibanez rg 770 and my rg570 alternating a little bit between them for different sounds and such, the mic i ran into my macke cfx12 and then into my comp and into sonar 2.0 xl.ive gott a crappy 16 bit riptide (sounblaster copy) sound card and its not so good lol.
but i get fairly good results for what i far as the playing goes i play way to much phrygian mode licks its sorta a rut im stuck in, i listen to marty friedman to much lol. im currently tracking a new bluesy funk song so it should be good,im gonna experiment with the mixolydian mode on this one. anyway thanks for the comments and the listen as well i need to get as many people to my site at soundclick as possible to listen to my songs it raises me up in the charts and i was at #14 yesterday on the instrumental charts for my song ice blue #52 and angles gott 5 times the downloads it did so i cant wait to see where im at today. so if you guys feel like helping a friend out please help out by downloading and streaming my stuff so i can get up on the charts and draw some attention. thanks guys. the flash