guitar effects (newb question)


New member
Hello. Sorry if this was posted before but the search feature does not appear to be working now. Can someone explain how stereo guitar effects are recorded or point me in the right direction? Thanks

Like, if I have stereo distortion pedal, do i need to connect 2 cords to 2 different tracks?
Bassmusic808 said:
Hello. Sorry if this was posted before but the search feature does not appear to be working now. Can someone explain how stereo guitar effects are recorded or point me in the right direction? Thanks

Like, if I have stereo distortion pedal, do i need to connect 2 cords to 2 different tracks?

Stereo distortion pedal??????? Never seen one of those.

But ya, two cords to two tracks/amps and the tracks get panned.
Thanks for the reply! oh, maybe not distortion then. i was just thinking that as an example. So, would the cords have to be TRS or just TS?
logically yes. interestingly, I recently downloaded Audacity (music recording freeware) and my laptop has a stereo 1/8" mic imput, my Yamaha DGStomp has stereo output so I went to soulless mega guitar mart and purchaced a very specific cable and recorded to my lap top. Audacity suprisingly recorded the stereo imput in stereo with one track?! dunno how but it did. So when I listen to the stereo tremolo it pans back and forth.
DogFood said:
logically yes. interestingly, I recently downloaded Audacity (music recording freeware) and my laptop has a stereo 1/8" mic imput, my Yamaha DGStomp has stereo output so I went to soulless mega guitar mart and purchaced a very specific cable and recorded to my lap top. Audacity suprisingly recorded the stereo imput in stereo with one track?! dunno how but it did. So when I listen to the stereo tremolo it pans back and forth.

one stereo track is stereo.
It seems that if I had a usb recording device, say 4 imputs, Audacity would record each imput in stereo? I hope not, I would like to pan the mono myself. I would have expected Audacity to record two separate tracks. I guess Audacity recognizes a stereo imput and records as such. I'd still prefer if it were recorded two separate tracks instead of one stereo.
If you are using a single stereo input the track will record in stereo unless your options menu allows you to divide that stereo L & R input into two seperate ins, then choose each seperate input on two seperate tracks.
In addition, the great thing about the marshall 1960 cabs is that you can stereo two speaker left and two right. Then you must mic a speaker on each side. But you must have two amps to do it. The effect itself must split the stereo signal. If you want a secondary effect on both sides you must have two of the same effects or a dual channel.