gt-6 controles guitar rig 5


New member
Hello everyone,

I recently exploring ableton, so it's all kinda new to me. Always worked with cubase, but for live playing ableton works much better.
Now i try to use my boss gt6 for controlling guitar rig and when i use guitar rig as standalone it works perfectly. Also in ableton when i implement guitar rig on a midi channel it works perfectly. But when i use an audio channel, the gt6 does not control anything. Does anyone have an idea why that is?
btw. it doesnt work perfectly implemented on a midi channel when i load in a instrument it also doesnt work
Help me out here. This is an effects pedal that pushes the sound to digital? When you are in a MIDI instrument, you can control the Plug in with the pedal, but when you are in analog, you can't.

If this correct? If so, make sure your MIDI signal is getting through on the analog track. It might be a MIDI mapping issue, so you might have to experiment and check your configurations in the preferences or map them special. You should see a MIDI signal light up in the right top corner when you press the the pedals. Make sure it is being lit when you press the pedal.
Its a multieffect that also send out midi messages. So when i use guitar rig i dont use the effects of the gt6.
I see the midi signal light up.
When i have an emty midi channel and i put in guitar rig i can control it and change the presets. But when i put in battery plugin or kontakt then guitar rig does not respond to the gt6.
When i have an audio channel it also doesnt do anything. So when i have a soundsource of any kind it does not work.

my english is not my native language so its a bit difficult to find the right words
Its a multieffect that also send out midi messages. So when i use guitar rig i dont use the effects of the gt6.
I see the midi signal light up.
When i have an emty midi channel and i put in guitar rig i can control it and change the presets. But when i put in battery plugin or kontakt then guitar rig does not respond to the gt6.
When i have an audio channel it also doesnt do anything. So when i have a soundsource of any kind it does not work.

my english is not my native language so its a bit difficult to find the right words
OK, I think I get it now. So you have an external effect that you can control through MIDI. So, in Ableton you probably have to set up a maping file and it goes into the external effects folder.

Create a new control device, you should see configure, there you can map it. Look on YouTube to get some good information on controller MIDI mapping in Ableton. These videos would be easier to understand that me trying to explain.
This is an answer i got from the ableton forum. It worked

The main difference here is that in this case its not Guitar Rig, but Live which is in control over your MIDI channels. So the last scenario will never work because an audio channel does not send out any MIDI signals. So putting Guitar Rig there will never allow it to receive any MIDI.

That is, not without some tweaking :twisted: I can't comment on the first scenario, that heavily depends on the kind of plugin and where you place it in the chain.

What you could do is split the whole thing up; use both a MIDI and audio track. I recommend doing this in session mode, it's easier on the I/O. Pull up the I/O section (click i-o icon) and check if you can get your MIDI track to receive incoming MIDI from GT6 and send that MIDI directly to your audio track (where Guitar Rig should reside too). You'll notice that most likely the second drop down box is immediately set to GR.

If you then keep both tracks armed you might be able to influence GR somewhat. Though there is a chance this might not work (depending on the kind of MIDI signals being used) because to my knowledge Live won't pass control signals.

Hope this can give you some ideas though.

With kind regards,
