GT 55 vs. Shure KSM27


New member
I have the GT 55 and its great, but someone told me that the Shure is ALOT better and its only 100 more.. truth? Will be used for rap vocals.

Also wanna throw in the AT 4040, cause I heard good things about that as well.
When ever you're UN-sure then always go WITH Shure! The KSM27 is a great mic! But of course that's my VO bias! It has good tonal quality, I recommend it. I also use the AT4040, had mine for about five years now, another good choice! :cool:
I've used both, and I would say that you heard right.

It might not be something you'd hear or appreciate right away, but you'll probably grow to like the Shure much more over time, and as you develop a better ear for things. It's just a more professional-sounding mic.

You'll find the shure's to be less sibilant than the GT's. I do really like my GT57 but it can get a bit nasty sounding with higher pitched male singers.
I tried the GT55 for a while as well as the new Sterling ST55 (same mic) and I just couldn't dig it. Lots of self noise, but YMMV.

I love my KSM27.

Jackrip said:
Soo.. which would be my best bet when used with a VTB-1 preamp.. Shure or AT4040?

Flip a coin, pick either and you'll probably be happy with it. The AT and Shure mics are both excellent values. I might lean slightly towards the ksm27 for vocals, as it tends to have just a bit more presence to it, but that's probably something that would vary depending on the singer.
Ohhhhh what about throwing the Rode Nt2 in the mix? I am really liking that as well, but its more money, but it is worth it? over the Shure or AT?