Groove Clipping in Cubase SX3 ?


New member
Quick question please, In Sonar you can turn a Loop or piece of recording
into a Groove Clip and then strech it for whatever time you need,
Is there a way to do this in Cubase SX3 or do you have to repeat it for the
desired time? Thank's, Ed
Yeah if you double click on the event and in the editor, click the musical note in the toolbar so it's highlighted, it will go into musical mode. then it will strech and shrink with any tempo changes you make.

You also have to make sure that the track itself is in musical and not linear mode. There should be a musical note button on the track itself which you need to click so tht it is highlighted yellow.
I think in the editor you have to tell it what tempo it originally was or something. It's been a while since I used that function.
Sorry to hijack the thread but I just bought EZDrummer DFH...first time working with midi drums. How do I change the tempo in SX3?

Thanks, and sorry again for jumping in...just seemed the best place to ask

On the transport bar, change the tempo from fixed to track and highlight
the tempo speed, type in the speed you want, hit enter, that's it1 Ed