Greg's general guide to rock drums for NEWBIES!

I've changed my mind. Greg doesn't have a fucking clue about drums.

I, of course, will change my mind in the morning when I sober up.:D

(I just heard gunshots in my neighborhood!):(
Greg, nowhere in your post did you list what mics you use.

To borrow from your own vernacular: "Summary please"!:D
You'll see it again at the other place, fatfuck. :D
Not if you see me first!

"classic" HR's.

that makes me feel old which is much more painful than fat

I have never experienced 'old' so I don't know. But you shouldn't be offended, you've been here over half a decade and anyway the selection process was determined by a Google search, not by me deciding who were the oldest/best avatar'd members. :cool:
Greg, nowhere in your post did you list what mics you use.

To borrow from your own vernacular: "Summary please"!:D

I thought about getting into mics, but there's just too many options to go into all that.

Ready for this?

I use the CAD Pro 7pc kit and an sm57 or pg57. I think it was like 199 bucks for the 7 mics. It may be even cheaper now.

The snare and tom mics are decent. Not great, but okay. I use the kits "snare" mic on my smallest rack tom and a 57 on the snare. The toms get the tom mics. The kick mic is very sensitive to where you put it, but I've tried it against a Beta52 and D6, and they don't really sound any better. They just require a little less EQ. I don't mind Eq'ing the snot out of the kick if necessary. I like this little kit. It's not the best by any means, but I've heard way worse sounds recorded with much better mics. ;)

My kit is not set up right now, but when I set it back up, I'll post some pics.
Haha, thanks everybody. Hopefully newbs can get something from this. I would have killed for this much info when I was getting started. :o
Pretty cool article.

Though 'muffled coated' heads as opposed to the open clear ones for rock?

I use freaking coated emperors on me toms and they rock!
Pretty cool article.

Though 'muffled coated' heads as opposed to the open clear ones for rock?

I use freaking coated emperors on me toms and they rock!

Coated heads do rock. I suggested clear, more open heads for their cut through ability and flexibility. You can make a clear head sound like a coated head, but it's hard to make a coated head sound like a clear head. For newbs just learning how to record and mix drums, it's my opinion that clear heads make it easier.