Great RTAS Comp for drums


Nashville Rocker
I have been trying a couple of different compressors for the past couple of days to figure out just what I want to purchase. I have tried several of the Waves comps, Smack!, and McDSP MC2000 plus some other McDSP comps in the Classic bundle. I LOVE the BF76! Its got very simple controls and you can get exactly what you want out of something just a couple of knobs. I'm looking to upgrade a bit, but am not sure what I exactly want for the drums yet. What does everyone else think? Any feedback would be GREAT! Thanks!:D
First of all, Go Irish!!!
Second, I think your really splitting hairs here. Unless u are looking for a specific effect, any of the plug-ins you mentioned are fine. They key would be to pick one and learn it. I realize you know how it works, I mean get used to it and how to make it do what you want. They all are different.
Thanks for the reply! And YES, Go Irish!... very pleased with how the year ended :D

But yea, I didn't know if there was a favorite amongst the community haha, I have been in several studios that use a variety of these plugins. I decided against the McDSPs... instead went with the Waves SSL 4000 bundle (LOVE IT) and I'm trying out the Digi Focusrite d2/d3 Red Series Eq/Comp--really liking it as well. The SSL is not extremely transparent, but it adds GREAT color, very warm and it 'glues' well.
I love the SSL's. I use the channel plug-in quite a bit on individual drum tracks. Especially the gate. Love the gate.
Man, those Waves bundles are expensive! How much did yours run you?

They're $650 on Waves, but only like $485 on Very good buy, I think I'll get the power pack from Waves and be done, it's on sale for $225, I just want that C1 Gate/Comp haha

And Elton... yes Kelly is the only prove COLLEGE winner that they've brought in the past decade. I like what I see, I think he'll whip em back to the real IRISH.
A bit random, but... Do you all compress your overheads any?

It honestly depends... If the song call for it (bigger sounding songs, rock/pop with tons of other things going on) I'll compress the bus of my OH or even the sub mix of the whole drums. If the song needs an organic feel I usually won't. Now if the cymbals are just WAYYY too loud, there's your sign to add some comp to bring it all together, non-avoidable haha
Hey, thanks guys! I have my overheads compressed because my cymbals are a tad loud, but I wasn't sure if I should compress the overheads or turn the individual drum tracks up. Just wasn't sure if it was "normal" to compress overheads.
What you CAN try, alternatively is Parallel or "Upward" Compression. Bring the fader down a good bit on the OHs and instead of compressing that/those track(s) send the OHs to another mix bus and and SQUASH it with some fast attack and kinda mid-fast-ish release (you'll have to play around a bit depending on compression, plugin, tracks, ect.) Add a bit of EQ for spice (if you like that sorta thing ;) ) then bring it back into the mix slowly to taste. What you get in return is an overall better clarity and resonance of the cymbals and snap of the drums without losing alot of your gain and transients in the process (in my opinion). Nifty little application, hope it helps :)
I am wondering if the upgraded compression plug-ins will really make a difference. I have waves compressors that I try to implement after I have already used a stock compressor with ableton to see if they might respond differently than the stock plugs. I can say that I have never switched over from the stock compressor. Anyways, those vst or rtas plug-ins suck up too much clock.
