Great Chicago Fire

I must say that this is an unusual song, especially for the unorthodox tempo used on the drums. The harmonized guitar part at the end of the song is really sweet. Song is great and mixing goes in the right direction. here's my two cents:

1. First off, the vocal reverb is too much for my taste, especially at the beginning of the song (unless the effect you're looking for is a guy singing in a great empty space... now that I think of it, sounds great :D).

2. Guitar sound is great but they're not stick to the mix. Maybe you can put some reverb to "glue" the guitars to your song. Other thing you can do is send a copy of your GTR L (hard left) and put it at 1 o clock. DO the same with GTR R.

3. When kick and bass sounds together they cancel each other... try panning bass slightly off center and cutting frequencies that belongs to your kick.

4. Drum could use more room/ambient... cymbals will sound nicer with more "verb"

5. be careful with the overall volume of the song at the final part of the song (when the harmonized guitar enter)

Great tune, would like to hear more songs from you or your band or the band you're recording. Luck.