Graphic Artwork


New member
i got a friend that does graphics....i was wanting to get him to design me some flyers, posters, logo, stickers and all that stuff.....does anyone know a goood CHEAP site that will print em up???? yall help me out

Unless you're looking for massive quantities, anything on the internet is going to involve shipping costs which could eliminate your potential savings on the printing. I recommend seeking out a local copy store (not Kinko's or another chain), because they might be willing to barter with you on an end price. Also, if you live near any colleges or schools that have an art or graphic design department, they may have the services you need at a bargain rate.

I don't know of anything on the internet, but I'm sure it's out there. Run a search.

thanks mayne...yea i use office depot to print up my cd covers for all my free mixtapes and what sure they can help....maybe i can talk to him and see if his school has that capability....preciate it mayne

any1 else
