Grainy/Raspy Voice for recording!?


New member
Hey, I'm new to this, this is my first post, I was wondering if anyone has any tips on achieving that nice raspy voice. In particular like this
Okay the link didn't work, but it was Take it On Faith by matt Mays (or anything else by Matt Mays)

Im not looking to start smoking and wait ten years, i just need a raspier voice for recording some stuff (including a matt mays cover) any tips on technique? or post recording tips (eq to bring it out etc). So far all i got is after about 1 hour or so my voice will be nice and raspy.. then another 20 minutes i won't be able to hit the correct pitch whats so-ever. Thanks!

Heres a video of my voice, notice by the second first its already fucked (not the best singer by any means!)
Youtube- Derek Yamchuk -Gold on the ceiling cover
I'm not convinced there is much to be done post recording, other than accentuate that particular vocal quality if it's already there albeit understated. The closest I've gotten to that kind of sound was pre amping with a tube set up which gave a similar effect when at the time I was after a clean smooth sound, so it wasn't what I wanted at the time, which is often how these things come about. I wouldn't personally try to force it from your vocal when you sing or you might end up suffering. I think your best shot would be tube pre, then use fair bit of compression, as I find my rack compressor when set with a low ratio and threshold accentuates those parts of the overall vocal sound.

all the best

Most decent vocalists dedicate years to devloping their style/tone. If you don't have a raspy voice, accept it and develop whatever style/tone you can that works with your voice.

While technology is great, to often someone thinks some magic piece of processing equipment will fix everything. Whatever happened to developing tone, skill, technique, etc.??? We as musicians, singers, engineers, whatever, have to learn to understand and accentuate our strenghs and accept and work within out limitations. Utilize technology when it's appropriate - but don't try to use it to subtitude for skill/style - that simply results in form over substance.

I do have a raspy voice, developed over many years of playing in smoky bars and trying to sing loud enough to be heard with crappy PA systems and no monitors. There is no technique or piece of gear that will reproduce my sound nor compensate for it.

I can sing old soul and certain rock & roll (Cocker, Springstten, etc.) - but I can't sing a subtle ballad or a country tune. So I sing what my voice is best suited to and if I need a different tone/style - I hire someone. Sing what works for your voice - that's the way it works in the real world.
Hey, thanks for the replies

i realize i cannot create this out of nothing through effects and processing, however just anyways to attenuate it
I would love to use real tube saturation..if i could! no good pre's..yet..
In a session i remember looking over at the compressor (forget what kind it was) and seeing it was clipping! but ended up sounding awesome, kind of caleb followill ish
Bottom line - just focus on finding you're own voice as an artist. Trying to make your voice into something it's not will never sound right and it will just be a source of endless frustration for you. Would I like to be able to sing like Chris Cornell? Absolutely. But that will never happen because I don't have his voice, so I just do the best with the one I was given and learn to use the tools in my own toolbox to the best of my ability.
Everything xdrummer said. With the possible addititon that if you really want a raspy voice or a different tone, you'll have to experiment and develop it on your own. I think it's doable with work on your part. Nothing on the electron side of the microphone is going to give it to you.

When i first started hangin out here, i posted up a song with mostly clean singing, but i really hit it hard in the chorus and my voice roughed up. Someone commented on it and liked the way it sounded. So I worked on it for a while and taught myself had to do it with control.