Got some gear, but is there anything else for now?

Enzo Polotso

New member
So I've been starting up a little demo studio, just to record my or my friends bands and stuff like that. What I'm asking is what could I add to what I have for a little push in quality?

Athlon 2800+ 64-bit
Seperate video card
1 GB Ram

Presonus Firepod

Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2a monitors (well not yet, I'll be ordering them soon)

Audio Technica AT4040
2 CAD GXL 1200 (i think thats the model, theyre only like $60 each, but they'll tide me over until i get something nicer)
a few SM57s
An SM58
I can't decide on a bass drum/amp yet... should i go for the Shure Beta 52 or the Audix? Anything else out there in that price range?

for drums i'll be using the 2 overheads and mic'ing the snare and kick, maybe the at4040 as a room mic?

I'm using the version of Cubase that came with the Firepod and it's fine for now I guess...
I'm just not sure if I should get a preamp/channel strip sort of thing? Like a Presonus Eureka or similar, would it make much of a difference?
What kind of mics should I upgrade the CADs with, I hear good things about the Oktava 012s but recently I havent been able to find them for less then $300+ on ebay (though i have no problem spending that much or more).

Would anything in the "Affordable" price range right now make that much of a difference, or would I need to spend a paycheck or two to really be able to tell?
I also have no problem buying used!
You have way more than I do now and I've got songs posted at the link in my sig.

Hit the record button, dude!
Sweet setup - I've got a firepod, too. That thing rocks. You should be able to get some pretty dang good sounds. Go to the "music" section of the website in my sig and listen to what the Firepod did for me. . .

By the way. . .I'm assuming your CADs are small diaphragm condensers? I use a pair of MXL 603s's (mainly on acoustic guitar for X/Y recordings) and I like them a lot. I've heard they can be a bit harsh as overheads for drums, but I've never recorded drums (I just use loops, unfortunately).

From what I've read, sounds like you can't go wrong with the Oktava's, but the MXLs are nice, too.
For those new speakers to sound their best, you should consider some acoustic treatment. A few panels to cut down on the first reflections at the very least, maybe a few bass traps to even out the low end if you can afford it. You'll be amazed how much improvement there is in stereo imaging and the more defined "sweet spot" will be if you cut down the first reflections.
BJW said:
Sweet setup - I've got a firepod, too. That thing rocks. You should be able to get some pretty dang good sounds. Go to the "music" section of the website in my sig and listen to what the Firepod did for me. . .

By the way. . .I'm assuming your CADs are small diaphragm condensers? I use a pair of MXL 603s's (mainly on acoustic guitar for X/Y recordings) and I like them a lot. I've heard they can be a bit harsh as overheads for drums, but I've never recorded drums (I just use loops, unfortunately).

From what I've read, sounds like you can't go wrong with the Oktava's, but the MXLs are nice, too.

yeah the CADs are these

I've also wondered about if I got another AT4040 and just used the pair of those as overheads, anyone have an experience with that?

btw, the recordings on your site sound great, I especially like the vocals, what did you use besides the firepod?