Got GAS for a new Rickenbacker 4003 bass - any opinions?


New member
I tried a Fireglow model at my local music store and the thing was just gorgeous. I know it's not everyone's cup-a-tea, but it played and sounded great. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with the more recent models - any potential pitfalls. I've heard that the neck is prone to warping, but the new dual truss rods are supposed to be a big improvement. I'm also a guitar player by training and I liked the thinner neck profile. I intend to play fingerstyle, so I'll probably have to take off the bridge pickup cover.

Any comments good or bad are much appreciated!
If you really dig it, go for it. I don't see how you can go wrong. 4003, is that with the flat or round wounds?
Those are some of my favorite basses made, period. There's just not really substirution if that's what you like. Also, I think Ric is really good to their customers. They are one of the few companies out there who really do focus on QUALITY over quantity.

Hard2Hear said:
Those are some of my favorite basses made, period. There's just not really substirution if that's what you like. Also, I think Ric is really good to their customers. They are one of the few companies out there who really do focus on QUALITY over quantity.

Which explains why there's a 9 month wait time if you order a Ric 380LPZ guitar :eek: