Got a project, going to need some help with it. This means you!


Illuminatius Overlordious
So I am working on a project, I am not going to go over it all right now as it is still in development. anyway it will need some beta testers.

It is a website, it is for musicians to get exposure and feedback for their music. Similar to Reverbnation or Soundcloud but with some very specific key differences :)

So if you have a song you can upload and a little spare time to help me tweak this site over the next few weeks, I would appreciate it. I am hoping to get started by the end of next week or sooner. (It shouldn't take much time, maybe 10 - 15 minutes to set up and then a few minutes every couple days helping me test features)

Just post here and I will Pm you to get your email and send you an invite link.
Ok, as long as I am in town I can play along. This sounds like a cool idea. It will take some advertising to get it going though. There is a lot of competition out there. MySpace comes to mind, but their converters destroy a lot of good tracks. Something to keep in mind...
Similar to Reverbnation or Soundcloud but with some very specific key differences :).

You can PM me...I don't have a problem posting my stuff on yet one more site... :) ...but I'm curious what the "key differences" are compared to the others?
All will be revealed.

It's not meant to be a competitor to any of those sites - it comes from a different angle. In fact it will tie those sites and let you link your profile to them.

Some people will like it, some people will not like it. I will have the beta launched soon, I have all the basic tech issues worked out, it's almost ready to test.

- Essentially it is a way to get more people to hear your music - people that wouldn't necessarily be going to soundcloud or RN
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As soon as it's ready I will post a link where you can create an account and check out the entire concept. I want to get as many features working as I can before I get people testing.

Thanks everyone!
I am going to remix some of my older stuff since they were done up to 6 years ago, when I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Of course the only thing that's changed since then is Reaper... I still don't have a clue.
Here is one thing - I just made this Genre list real quick - any glaring ommissions?

Hip Hop
R & B
Rock n Roll
Singer Songwriter
"singer songwriter" is not really a genre . . . it could be any of those you have mentioned.
you could add "world"

i have difficulties with genres because the edges are so blurry
Jazz maybe?'re the boss :D

Jazz might be good - I want to aim it at the most popular genres and the facebook generation - maybe adding Jazz will give us some street cred :p

"singer songwriter" is not really a genre . . . it could be any of those you have mentioned.
you could add "world"

i have difficulties with genres because the edges are so blurry

I saw SS on Reverbnation - made me think of like "Jack Johnson" - but maybe that would fall better under pop? There is definite blur

One thing I want to have is the ability for musicians to select multiple genres per song - so it might be "Alternative, Bluegrass, Electronic" :eek::eek::laughings: