Got a few minutes?? New female vocal mixdown.


New member
Hey everyone. Just finished this mixdown of a song by my band, The No-No Boys called "Broken Promises". Any comments would be appreciated. Aloha!

Recorded with the Yamaha AW16G, mixed with Adobe Audition.
The guitar sound in the intro & later through - really spoils the song. It is really a lifeless, colourless tone. The actually playing is fine but the tone is not.
The rest of the song is pretty bloody good.
tHe drum image is good.
THe gilry vox work very well.
The bassline is, perhaps, a little relentless & it's toneneeds a lttle top - just a smidgen though.
Good work.
Keep on tweaking.
Thanks rayc. Yah, the guitars are pretty bad and should be retracked. I think I fell victim to "ah, i'll fix that later with eq" only to realize you gotta get it right the first time. ha.
I agree with rayc all around. A good example of why you should record an extra dry track for the guitars. Other than the guitar sound, awesome performance and great work.

Almost like that guitar belongs on another planet to the rest of the song. Cool voice. Everything else sounds great. It's hard to say anything more till you fix that guitar :)

Thanks guys. Yah, it was my first time trying to record guitars with distortion and overdrive. Didn't realize how important it was to nail it the first time through. I like the idea of recording a dry track also. Thanks for the tip!
i think if you cut the dist. in half with some chours you might be able to still use it. vocals are great