Got 5 minutes to spare? Please take my survey...

Thanks! I'm a software engineering masters student (and quite an old one, at that). This is for a user-centred design module. I start a mobile/Android development module in the coming term, which should be pretty cool.

Cool. Yeah, I'm taking my first mobile development course in the upcoming semester as well.
Is it useful for you to have Americans taking this test? We could skew your results if this isn't meant to be a worldwide survey, right?
Is it useful for you to have Americans taking this test? We could skew your results if this isn't meant to be a worldwide survey, right?

I can see where all the answers are from (right down to the town), so can filter it if we need to, but it actually doesn't matter. All we need to do is show that our design stems from the data, rather than us deciding everything ourselves.
I can see where all the answers are from (right down to the town), so can filter it if we need to, but it actually doesn't matter. All we need to do is show that our design stems from the data, rather than us deciding everything ourselves.
It's a separate project to actually change perceptions about usage patterns that might actually reduce demand.
This is more like, if one wanted to use, "an app" to increase one's ability to reduce wasteful consumption, what would that app look like and what would be its features.