gosling records


New member
i'm sure not a lot of you have heard of gosling, but they're some friends of mine and my little record label just released a 7 inch of one of their songs. on one side it's the original electric version, on the other side it's the acoustic verion.

if you're interested in hearing it, here's a link where you can hear it and watch the video for the acoustic version on the song. if you're interested in buying it, you can buy it here also :

or here
or at this last link you can hear some of their other songs and buy the 7inch here: http://myspace.com/gosling

thanks to anyone that takes the time to listen, and thanks especially to anyone that's interested enough to help us out by buying one.
what was that supposed to mean? that i shouldn't have posted this? this is a free ad section.

i realise that the chance of people actually listening to the band is slim, and there's even less of a chance of anyone on here buying thei'r record, but it's free advertisement and although the chances of it helping sell any records is slim, it would be stupid not to take advantage of this opportunity.

if you're not interested, that's fine, but you don't have to be an ass about it.
OK, calm down. Look at the main board. You will find MP3 clinic. That's a good place to put your song for people to hear and comment on it. Chances of anyone here buying it are slim and none, and slim's out of town.
Best of luck.
Hey, give him a break. Donkeystyle's a good guy, and it's not like he's an unknowing newbie pimping his shit. (in fact, it's not even his shit! :D ) He's been around this site forever and the post count shows him to be an HR vet. He's just throwing in a good word for some buddies of his, nothing wrong with that.
thanks purge. i tried to give some positive feedback for that, but apparently i gave you positive feedback too recently. i

was calm when i wrote that and i'm calm now. i just don't understand what the problem with my posting this was.

like i said to the first guy. if you're not interested, that's alright with me, but i think it would be stupid of me not to take advantage of a free advertisement outlet.
ever heard the saying.. "all publicity is good publicity?" i put "ok....next!?" maybe someone would look at what i typed and say..."he passed on it kinda fast, hmmm how bad is it? let me listen" and thus someone else listens....
ooops...oh darn. now that I've given away the idea...NO ONE will want to listen now.....thats right... I'm saying ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WILL WANT TO LISTEN TO THAT GOD AWFUL STUFF! especially in the second song where the guy is singing about molesting ferrets. why ferrets i ask!? what did a ferret ever do to him!? lol
Man I'm glad you posted that link even if it was placed in the wrong thread. I listened to "airplane" when you posted it in the mp3 clinic a while back......cool tune. "rock and roll demo" is very cool too. I think I'm gonna buy that shit.

can a square like me
get it on cd?
airplane and the rock and roll demo are just kind of up there to attract little local bands to pay us to record them.

the gosling record is just one song and you can hear it here: http://myspace.com/gosling it's called pancake batter. the 7 inch will have an electric version and an acoustic version.

i'm not sure if you're confused as to what is being sold right now or i'm confused about your question. the 2 songs on our myspace aren't included, but pm me and we can figure out a way to get them to you.
haha. the song on the vinyl is better in my opinion. when i said you could hear it on our myspace account, i guess i should have made it clear that you had to click on the blog that says "gosling 7"-click here to listen/see"
it's not the same band. the rock and roll song was just thrown together by me and the other guitar player in my band for the sake of doing some cheeseball solo's, airplane is by a local band that used to be called moon, turn the tides, now they're called the seaworthies.

and gosling is the band on the vinyl.