Good Song so Far?? Dub/Reggae

I like it, some bass and vox would really bring it to life, I like the tone of your guitar alot but the other instruments sound a little cheesy
Definitely needs some vocals in there (otherwise it gets repetitive and drags on). I think that a big point of focus for you might be to change up how the drums sound a bit. When I think of reggae, the drums have that very carribbean sound to them, you know? It soudns like you just used samples, and that maybe be all you have available, but try different samples or tweak the ones you've got. The snare needs to ring out, the kick shouldn't be so modern sounding (by which I mean short, crisp, etc), and the toms usually have a distinct feel to them in reggae. I don't really listen to reggae, by the way, but from what I've heard (i.e. Bob Marley), that's what I think.

It could definitely be a catchy tune, though. It just needs some tweaking in the way things sound.
You've got one major mistake. Your guitar "skanks" are on the beat, when they should be off the beat! Which to me makes this song sound - well not very reggae/dub-ish at all. Your brass sound is pretty poor if I'm honest...and the drums could be programmed a bit better - again, they don't sound very dub/reggae - what I mean is, I think the drum pattern is not quite appropriate if you're going for a dub/reggae sound.